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Hello! I'm Eileen, a UX Designer
in the Seattle area. 

Welcome to my portfolio! 

I'm a UX Designer for the University of Washington's Center for Engineering Learning and Teaching, where I'm currently leading the design of the Design Teaching Resources website branch. Before that, I worked on the Dear Design website branch. I graduated summa cum laude from the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at UW with an Award for Academic Excellence. 

Below you'll find my UX design work. If you're interested in my usability and user testing research projects, please contact me at 

Design Signatures Website

Web/Mobile UX Designer

UX design for a large educational website on design thinking and design awareness.

Part of the UW Center for Engineering Learning and Teaching (CELT).

Design Signatures Website

Design Teaching Resources
on the Design Signatures Website

Project Lead; Web/Mobile UX Designer;
UX Researcher

UX design for design teaching resources and curriculum, under the CELT Design Signatures website. 

Teaching Resources on the DS Website

Signs of the Times: Enhancing Bellevue's Park Signage For All
HCDE Senior Capstone Project

User Research Lead; Accessible Signage Designer

Accessibility design for the City of Bellevue's Parks and Community Services department, making parks and trails welcoming and safe.

Culmination of my education at UW HCDE.

Bellevue Parks Capstone

Husky Healing App

Project Lead; UX Designer

UX design for a prototype application for UW student connection and mental health amid the pandemic.
Part of a user centered design course.

Letter - 1 (4).png

Tilth Alliance Brand Redesign

Visual Designer, Mobile UX Designer

Brand redesign, revamped visual system, and a high-fidelity mobile app user flow for Tilth Alliance, a Washington State community farming organization
Part of a visual design course.

Tilth Alliance Title Card

Physical Prototyping Projects

Product Designer; UX Designer

Collection of physical prototypes, testing usability, feasibility, desirability, and impact.
Part of a physical prototyping course.

Prototyping thumbnail

"Dear Design"
Design Thinking and Design Awareness

Visual Designer; Data Visualization

Research, reflection, and self-improvement to craft my personal design processes and design identity.
Part of a research group.

DD Postcards Thumbnail
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